Wimbledon 2013 – In Retrospect

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I’ve never really been a big fan of Andy Murray, but I’ve gotta hand it to him for his game in the Wimbledon 2013 finals. This might look more like a news paper review of the game. The only difference is, this is being published 4 months after the game took place in Wimbledon, but was actually written on the match day! 🙂

The stage was set, and the audience had arrived. To name a few, British prime minister David Cameron, English footballer Wayne Rooney, actors Bradley Cooper and Gerard Butler, American tennis legend John McEnroe. With all these persona grata from diverse fields converging in for a single occasion, It gives us cause to wonder what the stage is actually set for? No prizes for guessing, the stage is being prepped for the clash of Andy Murray and Novak Djokovic for the Wimbledon 2013 finals at the ever so immortal Wimbledon centre court!

The British royalty and the fans are desperate to witness a glorious victory for their country after 77 long years ( heck, Halley’s comet is more frequent! ), while Novak is aiming for his 7th grand slam and a 2nd one at Wimbledon. The ghost of Fred Perry looms the centre court. Will it be able to find some solace after having traveled all the way from the beyond?

The first set began with Novak splurging away 3 break points, in retrospect, an eerie prediction of what was about to come. Murray lead the race securing his first break at 3-1, but not before long Novak levelled it 3-3. The game witnessed some of the longest baseline rallies with each passing serve counting close to 20 strokes! This was definitely turning into a mega slugfest until Murray spotted the light and broke Novak again to lead 5-3. The Brit just wouldn’t give up after that and surged through to take the set 6-4. The initial set witnessed Murray’s steely resolve in securing points no matter how long or hard it took.

Shifting sight to Novak, the first set might just be the best he played today. The swift and agile Serb was finding it tough to hold on to his serve. The number of unforced errors and the first serve were also cause to worry for Novak. Enter second set , Novak got an early breakthrough and was up 4-1 when the tide turned around. Much to his shock, Novak was still struggling to find his feet with the serve. Andy sensed the opportunity and cruised his way to take the set 7-5. Murray was in a metaphorical purgatory. He can see life if he wins the next set, but leaving Novak find his form would mean death!

The third set begins only for us to see the exact same re-enactment of the second. Down to 3 championship points for Murray, Novak manages to save all of them, only to throw away 3 break points at deuce and eventually succumbing to a fateful end by netting the ball.

The crowd erupts in joy, Fred Perry’s ghost does a cartwheel in mid air, Andy Murray couldn’t believe he’d done it! It’s been 77 long years and this was the moment. The wait was over. The final ceremony ends with the Duke of Kent giving away one of the worlds most prestigious trophy to Murray, who remained an icon of humility and fortitude through out the presentation and kept himself down to earth, despite the feat he’d just achieved. Maybe this is paradise after passing through purgatory? If so, we’re all lucky to have seen it alive. Cheers!


2 thoughts on “Wimbledon 2013 – In Retrospect

    Puja said:
    October 6, 2013 at 1:32 pm

    Some how your post brought back memories of an old sports program – matchpoint! That shows how much I loved it ( your post that is)

    Praveen Chandrasekaran responded:
    October 6, 2013 at 5:20 pm

    Haven’t really seen/heard abt that program 🙂 But good to know I was able to remind you of it!

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